Employees may not engage in any employment that would create a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest. Accordingly, employees are prohibited from personally performing general private investigative services (e.g., stakeouts, credit checks, surveillance).
The following employment is permitted provided the employment complies with all legal requirements and Departmental orders:
a. Working security guard duty protecting premises or property.
b. Providing dignitary protection.
Employees may not be hired to work in the following circumstances, nor may any company owned or operated by an employee provide such services:
a. Assisting in the defense of a criminal case.
b. Assisting in any case against a governmental entity.
c. Assisting in any case in which OPD is a party.
d. Assisting as an expert witness in any case in which OPD is a party or was the initial investigating agency.
e. Conducting pre-employment checks into the applicant's previous criminal history provided that only public records
are accessed.
f. Performing accident investigations or providing technical services as otherwise permitted by this section.
Employees shall not receive outside compensation of any kind for work on OPD cases.
Employees shall not use Departmental resources or facilities to conduct record or vehicle tag checks, or to obtain other information not generally available to the public unless engaged in official law enforcement activities. Employees may obtain public information by using the same means and paying the same fees applicable to the general public.
Officers are strictly prohibited from using their law enforcement authority (i.e., by wearing a uniform, showing a badge, or revealing police identity) in civil situations such as evictions, auto repossessions, or collection of rents or damage fees in landlord-tenant situations.