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The Chief of Police will disapprove any employment that demeans the status or dignity of the law enforcement profession, or otherwise represents a conflict of interest. Examples of such employment include:

  • Retailers who sell pornographic materials, or provide services of a sexual nature.
  • Retailers who sell, manufacture, or transport alcoholic beverages as their principal business.
  • Gambling establishments not exempted by law.
  • Any firm connected with the towing or storage of vehicles, bill collecting, bodyguards, re-possessors, private investigators, or process servers.
  • Performance in Department uniform of any tasks other than those of law enforcement.
  • Performance of any work for a business or labor group that is on strike.
  • Performance of any work regulated or licensed through the Department.
  • Performance of personnel investigations for private firms, or any employment requiring the officer to have access to police files, records, or information as a condition of employment.
  • Performance of any activity that supports case preparation for the defense in any criminal or civil action.